Silhouettes on a purple sky photo by Hudson Hintze on Unsplash


Pathway to Recovery was designed by AAIC to help people struggling with addiction create pathways into recovery and maintain a clean and healthy life. Pathway to Recovery provides essential support services through our care team. This includes, but is not limited to:-

  • Peer support,
  • Entry into detox & rehab programs,
  • Assistance with medical and psychological assessments,
  • Court drug testing regimes,
  • Group therapy,
  • Post-rehab support with relapse prevention programs,
  • Back-to-work training, and much more.

where money goes 01

Pathway to Recovery takes a holistic approach, which focuses on addressing the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of addiction as well as spiritual. We believe in treating the whole person and empowering them to make positive changes in their lives. Our motto is “do unto others as we would like to have done unto ourselves," and the care team are truly dedicated to making a difference in the lives of those affected by addiction, through the AAIC Buddy Peer Support Program.

The AAIC Buddy Peer Support Program is offered through a unique tripod system of support services that are tailored to everyone’s needs.


buddy care team 02


We are not a government-funded organisation and to keep operating we would like to extend an opportunity for you to give a regular monthly contribution towards this work. Pathway to recovery is a part of the LEASE program.

bits logo1

Equipping AAIC BITS Ambassadors in schools, clubs, and community organisations to help members of their community who are struggling with ice use or who are dealing with a loved one using ice.

As the name suggests, the AAIC BITS (Brief Intervention Training and Support) Program has two parts:

  1.  Brief intervention training; and
  2. Support.

The Brief Intervention Training is a two-hour online course (SAMHI – Substance Abuse and Mental Health Intervention) provided by AAIC partner Optimal Health Group.

The Support is provided by providing AAIC BITS Ambassadors with a direct line of communication to AAIC’s Lived Experience Buddies who are all people, like our founder and CEO Andrea Simmons, who have found recovery after having been trapped in ice addiction.

These Lived Experience Buddies undergo extensive and ongoing training to equip them in this role, and can connect with someone using Ice, or someone who has a loved one using Ice, in a way that is not possible for someone without that lived experience.

Perhaps most importantly, Lived Experience Buddies can show people that there is hope – a light in the darkness. 

In unity and love we can change one life at a time, so be part of the change.

We aim to offer the BITS program at no cost to schools, clubs, community organisations through generous donations received from local Rotary Clubs, other local businesses and concerned individuals.

AAIC is also seeking Local, State and Federal Government Grant Funding to help us expand the AAIC Bits Program, particularly in regional and remote areas across Australia.

For every $200 donated, AAIC can train, equip and manage one more BITS Ambassador.



Due to the nature of charity donations AAIC is under no obligation to give refunds. Decisions on refunds will be at the discretion of AAIC management.

If a donation is refunded, the associated tax receipt is no longer valid so it should be securely destroyed. Please note it is your responsibility to submit only correct receipts to the Australian Tax Office.

Donations and Refunds

AAIC Australia accepts all donations in good faith, including monthly gifts. Whilst we understand entirely that everyone has different preferences regarding donations and that sometimes it is not convenient to give, we will not refund a donation that has been knowingly and voluntarily given to us.

  • We will refund if there was an error made by AAIC or one of our agents
  • We will refund if the donation was provided by a vulnerable person
  • We may refund if the donor entered the wrong amount
  • We may refund if there are exceptional circumstances

Should an error in the donation amount be detected and a request for refund made after 30 days have expired, AAIC regrets that we are unable to issue a refund.

AAIC is a non-profit charity organisation and we reserve the right to deduct any bank or transaction charges for any refund processed onto the donor.

Change of Mind about your Donation

Once you have donated to AAIC we cannot give refunds if you change your mind. For this reason, we ask that you make your decision to donate to us carefully.

Errors by AAIC 

Should an error be made by AAIC, one of our representatives or our financial institution(s), we will process a refund as soon as possible when notification of the error is received, and all costs will be borne by AAIC.

Applying for a Refund

If you wish to apply for a refund please submit your request by providing your full name, Supporter ID (if known), full mailing address and phone number. Please include details of how you made the donation, the date and amount given and the circumstances justifying your request. Upon receipt we will review your application and respond within 7 business days.

 Approval of refunds

If the donation amount is over $1,000 and/or exceptional circumstances are present, a refund request must be escalated and approved by the CEO and Fundraising Director.

 Please submit your request in writing to:

The Knights of Gallipoli ANZAC Framed

 anzacs knights 1


The Knights of Gallipoli, men from all backgrounds and classes from the newly federated Australia created the essence of what it means to be Australian – courage under fire, grace under pressure, giving a hand to a mate. Their goal was freedom for the land they loved. It is a legend not of sweeoing military victories but of triumphs against the odds, of courage and ingenuity in adversity. It is a legend of free and independent spirits whose discipline derived less from military formalities and customs than from the bonds of mateship and the demands of necessity. But the Spirit of ANZAC is not confined to the battlefield. It lives in the schools, on sports fields and indeed all over our great country. The deeds of the soldiers and their sacrifices gave us the invincible, the intangible, the Spirit of ANZAC. In out time and for all time we will remember them.

  • Accompanied with a certificate of authenticity
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  • Raffle drawn on October 24th at W & VMC the Bunker 132 Meakin rd Kingston Qld @ 8pm

AAIC sincerely thanks the businesses and invididuals listed on this page for assisting us to launch the AAIC programs nationally.



Brief Intervention Training and Support Program (B.I.T.S)

Register for SAMHI Brief Intervention Training


1. What is the Australian Anti-Ice Campaign?

The Australian Anti Ice Campaign (AAIC) is a Not-For-Profit Charity that is dedicated to raising awareness amongst the Australian community, especially our youth, as to the incredible dangers of using Ice. We also assist people into, through and post recovery and families struggling with a loved one using Ice.

The diagram below describes AAIC's core "products" - Ice Education Workshops and Brief and Early Intervention. We aim to equip people from all walks of life, including people from schools, clubs and workplaces to be able to conduct a Brief Intervention with someone within their community who may be struggling with Ice addiction.

2. The AAIC Brief Intervention Training and Support (B.I.T.S) Program

The AAIC Brief Intervention Training and Support (B.I.T.S) Program firstly aims to equip people with the ability to:

  • Identify someone within their community who may be struggling with Ice addiction, or who is in the early stages of using Ice;
  • To conduct an intervention with this person and help them weigh up the costs and benefits of their addiction; and
  • To refer them to an AAIC Lived Experience Buddy who will guide them and create pathways into recovery.

In order to become an AAIC B.I.T.S. Ambassador, a person needs to undertake the steps set out in the table below.


Step Name

Task Description


Registering for the program.

Any person wanting to be a part of the solution to the scourge of Ice use among Australians, in particular our youth, can register to become an AAIC B.I.T.S. Ambassador by clicking here.


Brief Intervention Training

Successful applicants are then required to undertake specific Brief Intervention Training. This training is delivered online through our valued partner, George Patriki, Founder and CEO of Optimal Health Group by clicking here.

The two hour online training course – Substance Abuse and Mental Health Intervention (S.A.M.H.I.) provides participants with an understanding of a number of key concepts to equip them to help effected individuals within their community. The key concepts covered include:

  • The Integrative Holistic Model - the basic underlying framework for all our interactions with people struggling with addiction.
  • The Cycle of Addiction – factors that lead to addiction and keep a person trapped in addiction.
  • The Stages of Change – recognising when a person is contemplating change.
  • Brief Intervention – Helping a person who is contemplating change weigh up the costs versus the benefits of their addiction.
  • The Tripod of Support for a person seeking to enter into recovery or for a person coming out of rehab and trying to reintegrate into society.

There is a $45 once only cost to undertake this training, 100% of which is generously donated to AAIC by Optimal Health Group to help with the costs of administering the B.I.T.S. Program.


Connecting you with AAIC

Once you have undertaken this training, our I.T. Department will establish you as a contact on AAIC's Google based communication system through which we can keep you updated on developments within AAIC and you can contact us directly for help whenever required.

You will be AAIC's direct connection within your school, club, church, or workplace community.


Access to Support from an AAIC Lived Experience Buddy

The most significant key to AAIC's success in helping people addicted to Ice to make the decision to seek recovery, is through providing a Lived Experience Buddy – someone who has been through Ice addiction and has successfully come out the other end of this living hell.

These Lived Experience Buddies are able to connect with someone using Ice in a way that is not possible for someone without that lived experience.

Perhaps most importantly, Lived Experience Buddies are able to show a person that there is hope – a light at the end of the tunnel and out of the entrapment that many  people addicted to Ice feel there is no way out of.


We do not ask our B.I.T.S. Ambassadors to do the often hard yards of convincing a person using Ice to step into recovery. Rather, you will be another set of eyes and ears for AAIC in your particular community or circle of influence. Once there is a glimmer of hope, you then call in a Lived Experience Buddy to take the person through the critical stage of believing that change is possible and showing them a pathway into recovery.

If you want to be a part of the solution to this epidemic sweeping our nation, then please complete the Registration Form below.

Thank you so much for caring and wanting to help. Together, in unity, we truly believe that we can Put the Freeze on Ice in this Nation.


Register for SAMHI Brief Intervention Training

Let’s Talk About Ice is a weekly Live Stream show hosted on Facebook. Each week people reach out to us through watching the show, and we have been able to assist families with support, and assist people using Ice into Rehab.

All episodes are recorded and are available as a Resource to schools, clubs, businesses, and the general public.

Follow Us on Facebook to watch live.

Go to the Let’s Talk About Ice YouTube Channel to watch previous episodes.

Become A Business Partner And Support Our Programs

For every $10 donated to the AAIC we can deliver our programs to one more Australian High School Student. Each donation also provides critical funding to help AAIC to launch a major national fundraising and expansion program.

Every life matters – every family matters – every day matters!

AAIC sincerely thanks the businesses and invididuals listed on this page for assisting us to launch the AAIC programs nationally.



NameStateAmount DonatedChildren Protected
Glenn Ivers QLD $50 5 children
Claire H VIC $20 2 children
Debra D QLD $100 10 children
Marie A SA $20 2 children




People are dying out there... The drug ICE is spreading over our nation and killing our loved ones!!! This highly addictive substance ICE (methamphetamine) is more soul destroying and addictive than any other illicit drug available on the market. From the moment you start using it, ICE starts to consume your soul, destroy your body, and erode your moral standards resulting in destructive behaviour combined with the breakdown of family values and a negative impact on society. Many users of this drug are unaware of the heavy consequences associated with the delusional affects of ICE. Too often long term addiction to methamphetamine will result in permanent irreversible damage to the body, mind and soul. Many addicts are crippled by the effects of ICE, which disables their ability to stop this destructive cycle; and the effects are devastating.

I was one of the very lucky few to escape its horrific entrapment. I was fortunate enough to break free from the stranglehold of ICE. Think about this.

It could have been You or God forbid your child. We never think it could happen to us, but it does. Unfortunately this drug has infiltrated its way into society targeting our young generation's social environment with utterly horrific results.

Not only is Ice being used as a party/sexual drug by our youth but is also being used by high esteemed members of our society for stress relief and performance enhancement which has the reverse effect of its intended use.

We need to warn our kids of the destructive effect of this drug before they are offered it.

Until now we have been dealing with the impact of this highly destructive and addictive drug in a reactive way, with little or no result.

AAIC recruits and trains people who have recovered from ice addiction to deliver high impact education workshops to raise awareness and educate youth. Using people with lived experience graphically highlights the incredible dangers of trying ICE even once.

The In School Education Workshops comprise of a 75 minute interactive lesson delivering information relating to the following:

* The short and long term effects associated with ICE use;

* The dangers and toxicity of the ingredients in ICE;

* The mechanism of ICE addiction;

* The effects on the brain, body, relationships and community;

* The risks of trying ICE even once;

* Communicating the risks of ICE to their peers and to take action to prevent use.

The effects of ICE are immediate and highly addictive. The user is drawn in to a false sense of self and selfishness; nothing else matters more than the next fix and they will do anything to get their next hit. Crimes, corruption, prostitution and anti social behaviour become rampant as a result and law enforcement and hospital emergency rooms are stretched to capacity when dealing with the ICE user. They are often violent and destructive under the influence, resulting in abuse (both physical and verbal) of nursing staff and law enforcement officers .

ICE is not only a killer, but also an extremely expensive habit to maintain and is currently costing our economy a tremendous amount of tax payer dollars to combat its effects. This money would be better spent on education and awareness to enable intervention at its inception. As a nation we must be pro-active and diligent if we are to have any impact whatsoever on this highly destructive drug, as it is killing our young people, ruining our lives, eroding corrupting and undermining the very fabric of our society.

The AAIC Education Workshops have been highly acclaimed within Schools, the Youth Justice System, Child Safety, within our Prison System and in Mines as well as Workplaces. You can view many of these testimonials at

The National Ice Task-force 2015 Report identified a tripling of ICE use among Australian teenagers over a six year period.

Research conducted at the University of South Australia found brain wave patterns similar to Early Onset Parkinson's Disease in teenagers after only five or six uses of ICE.

Waste water sampling by Professor Mueller and The University of Queensland found that in many areas across Australia, the discharge of ICE into our waste water increased by up to 480% over the past six years... and what are we doing about it?

Please Australia, let's unite and urge our National, State and Territory Governments to take action to do something different before its too late.

By signing this petition you are helping make a stand against this highly destructive drug and its corrosive effect on our society.

Please invite others to get behind us by signing also.

The difference starts with YOU.


NEW: Substance Abuse & Mental Health Intervention SAMHI Chemically Speaking Two (Brief Intervention) is now available online.

This course costs $75 on the platform, however people may receive a 40% discount from us by using our token below to purchase the course for only $45 for a limited time.

This program is an introduction and an ideal platform for the comprehensive Dual Diagnosis 2 day (12 hour) advanced SAMHI (Substance Abuse & Mental Health Intervention) Training designed for front line workers that will be released during 2017.

This program will help you develop the skills to deliver brief and early interventions to people struggling with substance abuse and mental health issues. This is part of our wider Community Development Response to ICE & Other Drugs as explained on our website

This program will also help you to learn how to run family support groups. We run weekly live family support groups, as well as a weekly online family support group that you can join. You can read more about it here.

Chemically Speaking Two is the 2017 upgrade to the original Chemically Speaking produced in 1999 and now provides training in:

  1. Substance Abuse & Mental Health (Dual Diagnosis)
  2. Integrative Holistic Model
  3. Needs & Underlying Issues that drive addictions
  4. Grief Cycle & Anger
  5. Drink & Drug Driving
  6. Cycle of Addiction

    • Alcohol
    • Tobacco
    • Cannabis
    • Stimulants (Speed, Ice, Ecstasy, Cocaine)
  7. Optimal Health
  8. Stages of Change
  9. Costs vs Benefits – doing a brief intervention.
  10. Tripod of Support for the drug user to help them move forward & stay safe.


 NEW: Substance Abuse & Mental Health Intervention Training (Dual Diagnosis) available ONLINE 2017 at

The live 2 days training below has now been reduced from $290 to $145 (50% off) and will continue to be delivered on the Gold Coast and other locations as requested.

People will participate in 2 days of intensive training, covering all of the current evidence based, best practice in the Alcohol & Other Drugs (AOD) and Mental Health industry from a holistic framework (see diagram in attached brochure).

The Dual Diagnosis Consultant delivering the training, lived over 7 years an ex-addict himself and spent over 10 years accessing various treatment and recovery programs to work through the underlying issues. Since then, he has 24 years of clinical experience as a counsellor and 15 years as an educator to Government and Non-Government organisations in Australia.

The Dual Diagnosis Training Intro video on the website introduces the 2 day advanced training that explains Substance Abuse, (with Alcohol & Other Drugs), as well as Mental Health Issues. The training is outlined in detail below at the end of this email and further information is also available on the website. This training will equip workers to be able to deliver a brief & early intervention to people struggling with substance abuse and mental health issues as well as advanced psychotherapeutic skills.

The Cost

The cost of the 2 days training has now been reduced from $290 to $145 (50% off) as we are launching our online Substance Abuse & Mental Health Training (Dual Diagnosis) in 2017 which is also $145. Further information on the website.

Payment can be made by cash on day or by bank transfer or PayPal by credit card. Details on attached brochure and website.

Location and Dates

The Dual Diagnosis Training will be delivered in:

  • Gold Coast (Surfers Paradise) on Monday 27 November 2017 and Tuesday 28 November 2017
  • Gold Coast (Surfers Paradise) on Monday 26 February 2018 and Tuesday 27 February 2018

This address will be sent to you upon acceptance into the training. Both of the 2 days of training are compulsory and cannot be missed. The website  will continue to list future training dates and locations.

Training will start 9am SHARP and will finish around 5pm. Please arrive between 8:30am - 8:45am on 1st day to allow us time for registration.

If you wish to reserve a place for the Dual Diagnosis Training, please fill in the details on the Dual Diagnosis website nominate which location you want to attend. The training can only fit about 20 participants, so we can only reserve a place for those who respond first, or if you have already confirmed your commitment earlier.


Optimal Health Group has been providing Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) since 2002 and we have arranged with various TAFE in Australia to provide the RPL kits for students that complete our Dual Diagnosis Training ( and want to apply for a workplace assessment as explained on the website (

This is an optional service for people that want to upskill that have completed the 2 days advanced training which meets the competencies in the AOD & Mental Health modules.

For people that have completed their Dual Diagnosis Training in the past, or those already working in the alcohol & other drug industry, you may be interested in getting involved in the Community Development Response to ICE & Other Drugs below


Optimal Health Group and AAIC run public community forums in various towns & cities to educate the community on the harm associated with ICE & other drugs and invite the members of the community to get involved in:

  1. School based drug education (Grades 7-12), offered by AAIC (
  2. Attend Dual Diagnosis Training ( to learn skills in delivering brief & early interventions to drug users or run family support groups.
  3. Partner with treatment services to increase help available to drug users, including detox, intensive outpatient treatment, residential rehabilitation and supported accommodation.
  • School counsellors, teachers and chaplains are invited from schools to attend this public forum.
  • This also is an opportunity for parents to attend and learn what students will be taught during the school based drug education.
  • Community agency workers are invited from key service agencies; including Youth Justice & other youth services, housing, legal, financial, health etc
  • As well as local volunteers from existing support groups such as Narcotics Anonymous.

We invite you to attend these public community forums and then participate in the Dual Diagnosis Training to develop skills;

  • to deliver school based education,
  • or provide brief and early interventions,
  • or facilitate and run support groups.

George Patriki
Director - Optimal Health Group
PO Box 1253
Palm Beach QLD 4221
Mb: 0408 332 765
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





Afternoon Mike,

Once again, thank you so much for today.

You are truly a passionate, inspirational and professional presenter. The feedback I have had from staff has been excellent, with several people stating that it’s the best staff training day they have ever attended!!!!

Knowing what a tough group correctional officers can be, you should be very proud about this feedback, it’s wonderful!!!!

As you know, my Deputy General Manager was in attendance during the afternoon session. He was extremely impressed and is going to write an email of thanks and support, which will hopefully assist in your quest to take the AAIC into every high school in Australia.

Thank you again Mike, hopefully we will work together again in the future and I may be lucky enough to meet your mum :-)


Lynne McNairn

Violence Prevention Coordinator

(07) 3271 9418

Wolston Correctional Centre
Queensland Corrective Services
Department of Justice and Attorney-General

The public awareness component of the AAIC Community Ice Action Strategy comprises of elements adopted (and modified) from the Meth Project mass media campaign.

As has been shown by the Meth Project, it is possible to make a difference. The National Youth Risk Behaviour Survey conducted each year throughout the United States has found that in Montana, the first state to adopt the Meth Project plan, the percentage of high school students who used Meth (or Ice) decreased by a staggering 63% between 2005 and 2015, with 8.3% of students reporting having used Meth in 2005 as compared to 3% in 2015 .

This is in stark contrast to the increased prevalence of Ice use amongst Australia’s youth, as reported in the National Ice Taskforce Report – 2015. The Taskforce made a number of significant findings particularly relating to Ice and how it is impacting on Australia’s youth, namely:

  • Over a six year period preceding the production of the report, the number of Australians aged 14 to 19 using Ice tripled ;
  • Of even greater concern, over a three year period preceding the production of the report, the number of Australians males aged 14 to 19 using Ice nearly doubled ; 
  • In the early stages of using Ice, teenagers can rapidly ‘recruit’ a large number of their friends and peers ;
  • Once the physical and emotional impacts of using Ice become apparent, that recruitment tends to ‘dry up’ .

Read more ...

A more detailed overview of the services provided as part of the AAIC National Ice Action Strategy can be viewed under the ABOUT US tab. In short, however, the AAIC strategy involves the provision of a number of services, namely:

  • Generating mass media and social media to educate the public about the incredible dangers of trying Ice and to reinforce the NOT EVEN ONCE message.
  • Community Forums to gather together all Detox, Rehab and other support services within the region, and develop efficient processes for the referral of people struggling with addiction, and their families, to these support services.
  • Offering training through our strategic partner, the Optimal Health Group, to equip AAIC Ambassadors in schools, sports clubs and workplaces, to conduct a brief and early intervention with a person who is trying to break the cycle of addiction. This training will also be made available to existing support service workers within the community.
  • Where Detox and Rehab facilities are not available or not immediately available in any particular region, to facilitate the establishment of a Community Rehab Tripod to assist people wishing to break the cycle of addiction. This tripod involves a Buddy, who will assist in connecting people to existing Counselling and Group Therapy to assist people until a placement in a formal Rehab becomes available.
  • To provide an affordable Online Family Support Service, managed by the Optimal Health Group, for people who have a family member or friend suffering from addiction.
  • Education Workshops to be conducted in schools, clubs and workplaces. With the schools component to include follow up role play activities and participation in a national art competition with a Not Even Once theme.
  • To provide links to all national support helplines and support services within each local government area across Australia.
  • Youth Engagement Events featuring music, sports and art activities.
  • An online shop for supporters to purchase AAIC merchandise and other products from selected AAIC sponsors.

Our Nation is in the grip of an Ice epidemic, to the point where Australians are now the largest users of this insidious drug in the English speaking world.

Recent figures indicate that there are more than 27 Australian Youth, aged between 15 and 24, becoming regular or dependant Ice users every day.

Existing efforts to educate our youth as to the incredible dangers of this drug have failed, and continue to fail. Australia's youth need a radical awakening and the AAIC Program, adopted from a highly successful program run in the United States, will provide this radical awakening.

We have been continually frustrated by the State and Commonwealth Governments failure to assist us financially and now call on the Australian people to join the AAIC Army and help fund this program.

We seek a small tax deductible monthly commitment, from as little as $2 a month - whatever you can comfortably afford on an ongoing basis.

All contributions are greatly valued. Together, as a community, as an Army, we can help to Put the Freeze on Ice and protect our children, and our grandchildren from this insidious drug.

Are donations tax deductible? Yes

Will I receive a receipt for my donation?
Yes, immediately sent to you by email when approved.

Donate to AAIC Army

AAIC Army Ambassador headerRS

The current government approach to educating our youth as to the dangers of using ICE is not working.

Recent research suggests that up to 42 young Australians between the ages of 15 - 24 are becoming regular or dependent ICE users every single day. This equates to more than 15,000 every year. Other research suggest that Ice use in many Australia’s cities has increased by 480% over the past six years.

Many of these 15,000 young Australians will become addicted to ICE and very few of those who do (estimated at 2%) will ever escape this addiction. Some will escape their addiction through suicide or through death by overdose.

Those few who do escape may often carry psychological and physical scars for the rest of their lives.

The AAIC Program, which is a modified version of a program that has reduced ICE use amongst teenagers in eight states of the United States by up to 63% over the past ten years, provides a radical awakening to our teenagers and the general community as to the incredible dangers of trying ICE, even once.

You can click on the image below for a seven and a half minute summary of the AAIC Founder Andre’a Simmons story - why the AAIC was formed and what we aim to achieve.


Through the AAIC Army Public Ambassadors Program, we are calling on celebrities and public figures from all walks of life, to help us to raise awareness of the devastating effects of this insidious drug, particularly for young people.

As an AAIC Public Ambassador, you will be equipped with the knowledge required for you to be able to speak publicly on behalf of AAIC in relation to the extent of the Ice problem and in relation to the AAIC’s program for addressing the epidemic sweeping our nation.

In addition, we ask our Public Ambassadors to volunteer at least once a year to attend and speak at an AAIC school, club or community event held in the area in which they live.

AAIC Army Ambassador footer

AAIC Army Fundation header

Recent research suggests that up to 34 young Australians between the ages of 15 - 24 are becoming regular or dependent ICE users every single day. This equates to more than 12,000 every year. Other research suggests that ICE use in many Australian cities has increased by 480% over the past six years.

Many of these 12,000 young Australians will become addicted to ICE and very few of those who do (estimated at 2%) will ever escape this addiction. Some will escape their addiction through suicide or through death by overdose.

Those few who do escape may often carry psychological and physical scars for the rest of their lives, with recent research indicating Parkinson Disease type symptoms in young adults who have used Ice only 5 or 6 times.

The AAIC Program, which is a modified version of a program that has reduced ICE use amongst teenagers in eight states of the United States by up to 63% over the past ten years, provides a radical awakening to our teenagers and the general community as to the incredible dangers of trying ICE, even once.

You can click on the image below for a seven and a half minute summary of the AAIC Founder, Andre’a Simmons story - why the AAIC was formed and what we aim to achieve.


Corporate Partnership



We offer you four separate levels of business partnerships

Platinum  $5,000 2 available
Gold $2,000 10 available
Silver $1,000 10 available
Bronze $500 20 available



  1. It’s a one off Tax deductable payment. 
  2. Your Company will be a part of our nation-wide “Putting the Freeze on ice” campaign.
  3. Your Company logo will appear with a link to AAIC’s Army Foundation Business Partnership page. A page which is dedicated on our website for those businesses such as yours who supported us prior to the public launch.
  4. Your company will be part of AAIC’s Army business directory open to the public and individuals where your product or services will be showcased.
  5. Your company can use our AAIC logo on any of your business material.


PlatPartTR PlatPartTR


GoldPartTR GoldPart GoldPart GoldPart GoldPart
GoldPart GoldPart GoldPart GoldPart GoldPart


silverPartTR silverPart silverPart silverPart silverPart
silverPart silverPart silverPart silverPart silverPart


Bronze Partner BronzePart BronzePart BronzePart BronzePart
BronzePart BronzePart BronzePart BronzePart BronzePart
BronzePart BronzePart BronzePart BronzePart BronzePart
BronzePart BronzePart BronzePart BronzePart BronzePart


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How To Purchase

Pay Bank Transfer 

  1. Click on the  - "Click Here To Purchase By Bank Transfer" buttom top right of page
  2. Fill in the form with your details and click the "Submit: button
  3. MAke BAnk Transfer to:- Cross Code Sports Marketing - NAB BSB – 084716 – ACC: 733466529
  4. Please Use AAIC and Surname as reference

PayPal Payment (NOTE - you must have a PayPal account)

  1. Click o the "Click Here to Purchase by PayPal" button
  2. Enter the Email Address - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  3. Enter in the Amount to pay 
  4. Click the "Send MOney" buttom
  5. Log-in to your PayPal account


Anna Wood
Year 11 into 12 students witnessed a highly beneficial program “Put the Freeze on Ice” presented by the AAIC (Australian Anti-Ice Campaign). Overall this program was extremely valuable and I would like to advocate for the additional running of this program for this for the Junior grades and the 2017 seniors. In this program we were provided with information equipping us with knowledge – unknown to many of the students present – about the dangers and risks associated with the specific use of Ice and other drugs.

I know I was not the only student who saw this program as beneficial which lead me to thinking. How often is it that a program comes along in which nearly every ear in the room was engaged giving entire attention to the presenter, has students informing absent students how much they missed out and students saying how much grade 9 and other students need to see this presentation?

One of the key facts presented was as follows, 29 young people pick up Ice each day with a single encounter standardly leading to an addiction. Statistics shown only 2% of users walk away from this drug a survivor. This should be a wakeup call – that education and other programs need to be implemented for young people in the school, going further then the Board of Studies ‘dot points’.

Action must be taken further than just grade 11 students. I believe having “Put the Freeze on Ice” presented by the AAIC for other grades in the school is a great start.

I completely understand everything costs money and funding can only be spread so far therefore; I would like to express my gratitude for the program running at Tweed River High School last week as well as the contribution by the school and community made, to ensure it happened. I highly believe however, that there is a need for more education and more support.

I would be interested in talking further with the Executive Council and Welfare team further on this topic and opportunities for fundraising so as a whole school community we can take action against this epidemic.

The Southport School

The feedback from our Year 12 boys was that they found it very insightful, incredibly inspiring (in terms of those who have overcome their addiction) and very informative. It was certainly time well spent.

Gold Coast Christian College

AAIC brought a powerful message through their well thought-out program. All students (Year 7-12) were able to not only see the effects of this dangerous life-taking drug through the informative multimedia presentation, they heard it first hand from the presenters having lived the nightmare of being ICE addicts themselves. The presenters were able to be real and honest about their tragic journey, which made a greater impact when the main message, 'NOT EVEN ONCE' was constantly reinforced. This same message was strongly continued with the post-presentation activities, such as sport with Kevin Campion and the musicians from VIBE. This enabled the students to continue the conversation in a less formal way. I applaud Andrea and the AAIC team from getting this important message out there effectively to the young people, so they know never to try ICE, 'NOT EVEN ONCE!'

Gold Coast Youth Justice

Some of our Caseworkers mentioned it may be beneficial to highlight earlier in the presentation the reasons why young people may use Ice (masking emotional pain, avoiding problems etc). All staff felt that having facilitators with real world experience in both using and recovering from Ice use was great in regards to connecting with the young people in an authentic way and assisting with the delivery of the content.

Lindisfarn Anglican College

Wow! The presentation to Year 11 was excellent and very effective. Mike and Mel were genuine and engaging and certainly held the attention of everyone there. Added to this, the boys in the band were great – so very talented. I'm going to get further feedback from some of the students but I am predicting it to be very positive. There is no doubt that the message was clear and confronting but it needed to be.

So this brings me to me next question. I would very much like Year 12 to see the presentation prior to them leaving, particularly as 'Schoolies' is just around the corner. Problem is, they finish school on the 21 September. Is there any chance of a return visit on either Monday 19 or Tuesday 20? I completely understand that it probably can't happen but if it could, it would be excellent. Also, for next term, I'd like to book in presentations for Yr 9 and Yr 10. Again I understand that you may be booked out but if you give the OK, I can send in a number of dates for each grade.

Again Stephanie, please pass on my congratulations to the team for a job well done.

Australian Anti Ice Campaign Pty Ltd (AAIC) operates to provide an awareness and education campaign about the dangers associated with the insidious and highly addictive drug known as ice.


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Australian Anti Ice Campaign Pty Ltd (AAIC)






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This is War!

Click on Andrea’s picture to see her full story.

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Open Letter from Andre’a Simmons – Founder and CEO of the Australian Anti Ice Campaign.

I have firsthand experience through two years of living hell and a long and difficult recovery and rehabilitation, of the effect of ICE on your mind, on your body and on your friends and loved ones.

I have formed AAIC to help those already using ICE and their families, but more importantly, AAIC’s mission is to expose the truth about ICE and to arm our children with the knowledge and the resilience to say NO if and when an ICE pipe is ever offered to them in a time of weakness, as it was to me.

The truth is that, in terms of the number of young Australians wounded and killed, in terms of the economic cost and in terms of the lingering psychological harm done to our youth, we are at war!

Recent National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre Estimates suggest that the number if ICE users has tripled in Australia over the past five years, from 90,000 to an estimated 268,000.

Even more alarmingly, the number of regular and dependent users in the 15-24 age group has more than doubled in that same five year period.

Many of these new young Australian ICE users will begin to suffer extreme depression, anxiety and paranoia soon after starting using ICE.

Many will develop psychotic behavior and will ostracize themselves from their family and friends.

Many will become involved in crime or prostitution to support their habit.

Many will become involved in violent confrontations with police and emergency services, and with their family and friends.

Many of these new young Australian ICE users will die prematurely from an overdose or suicide.

Those who die from ICE will die in horrible circumstances and leave behind a trail of sorrow for their surviving family members.

To think of this reality breaks my heart and at times I feel that there is no point in continuing, however I know that I have no choice but to fight this fight.

Our police, immigration, emergency services and health workers are all fighting this war on the front lines.

AAIC will fight the war in an “underground resistance” by educating Australia’s teenagers in high schools and sporting clubs across the country, about the dangers of touching ICE, even once.

We have a small success in our war every time a young Australian is offered ICE, and says NO!

We suffer a huge defeat every time a young Australian takes ICE on their mate’s advice that “trying it once never hurt anyone”.


Queensland Government Department of Health

Hot House is a free and confidential alcohol and drug counseling service for young people (under 25), concerned about their own or someone else's alcohol and/or drug use. Counseling and supporting are also available for parents and significant others. Individual counseling and group programs are available for young people and parents. For more information please contact the Hot House.


Biala Community Health Centre

Level 3 270 Roma St,

Brisbane, QLD

Contact Details

Phone: (07) 3837 5988






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